From The QILT2BAG+ Issue 4: Come Out! Come Out!
From the QILT2BAG+* is a themed collaborative community ‘zine aiming to uplift and celebrating queer and trans writers and artists. This issue features the work of Marissa AKA @Crywolf.Art (Cover art), Tet Millare (Poetry), Aime Hutton (Personal essay), Nier AKA Lisa Lanier (Art and poetry), KSC Hatch (Foreword, personal essay, colouring pages).
Each issue is produced by KSC Hatch and co-distributed by the collaborators. By purchasing a copy, you help ensure the collaborators get paid for their labour and that future issues can be made and future collaborators are paid for their work.
$10 is the pay it forward price that helps ensure the continued production of this ‘zine.
To pay the sustaining price, use coupon code $8ZINEPLEASE
To pay the discount price, use coupon code $5ZINEPLEASE
(*QILT2BAG+ is a playful acronym made by switching around the letters of 2SLGBTQIA+)