The Benefit of MeditationOriginally aired 01 June, 2015
In this, the very first episode of the Podcast of Everything is Workable, Kaitlyn talks about meditation as an essential tool to help us work with our mind. When this was launched she intended to have an accompanying blog, but quickly realised she was spreading herself too thin. |
What is genuine happiness?Originally aired 11 June, 2015
What is it to be genuinely happy? Kaitlyn offers her thoughts on happiness and what the difference is between being happy and being comfortable. |
Discipline, the antidote to procrastinationOriginally aired 18 June, 2015
Discipline is a fantastic tool for anyone to have, and the great thing about it? It’s something any one of us can learn. Kaitlyn talks about five essential tools anyone can use to help cultivate discipline in their life. |
The Importance of WonderOriginally aired 25 June, 2015
Wonderment is a valuable thing to cultivate, and yet we seem to equate it with something ‘fluffy’ or spiritual. Kaitlyn shares her thoughts on how wonderment helps us to appreciate our experience and increase our flexibility. |
Basic GoodnessOriginally aired 02 July 2015
Understanding what basic goodness is, especially when we’re faced with so much pain at the hands of others, can be a challenge. But when we have an understanding of basic goodness it makes it easier for us to relate to others. Kaitlyn digs into what basic goodness is and how to apply it to make life more workable. |
Learn to RespondOriginally aired 09 July 2015
What does it mean to respond to life, versus trying to find 'answers'? Kaitlyn shares her contemplations on the teachings of Elizabeth Mattis-Namgyel, author of 'The Power of an Open Question'. |
Challenging work-life BalanceOriginally aired 16 July 2015
Kaitlyn challenges the phrase 'work/life balance' by questioning the idea that when we are working we are not living. |
Never just one wayOriginally aired 23 July 2015
Elizabeth Mattis-Namgyel has a talk about how no one is ever just one way to begin with. Kaitlyn explores this teaching and how letting go of fixed ideas about ourselves and others enables us to be more flexible and open to life. |
A Little Clarity About MindfulnessOriginally aired 30 July 2015
Kaitlyn revisits the subject of her first podcast and goes a little deeper into meditation by tackling the misconceptions and misunderstandings of mindfulness in the media. |
Let's Get Down to PracticeOriginally aired 06 August 2015
What does it mean to have a practice? Kaitlyn examines the word and how anyone can develop a practice, regardless of your belief system - ie. you don’t have to be a Buddhist to have a practice. |
Only One Person Gets to Have an EgoOriginally aired 13 August 2015
What happens when we don’t go to war with other people? What does it mean to let go of needing to be ‘right’ so we can see the bigger picture? Kaitlyn talks about a practice she uses to communicate effectively in times of conflict. |
Letting go of ExpectationsOriginally aired 20 August 2015
When we let go of holding onto expectations we put on ourselves and others, we are cultivating flexibility. Imagine if we weren’t limited by unreasonable or impossible to attain expectations of others, of society and of ourselves. |
Let's Not 'Should' OurselvesOriginally aired 27 August 2015
‘Shoulding’ ourselves is a sure way to not get very far. So what happens when we stop ‘shoulding’ ourselves and start looking at ‘could’ or ‘might’? |
ForgivenessOriginally aired 03 September 2015
Forgiveness is an incredibly valuable tool - but one that’s often misunderstood. Kaitlyn examines what it means to genuinely forgive someone and how forgiveness is something we do for ourselves as much as for someone else. |
Bullying, or Boundaries Are GoodOriginally aired 10 September 2015
Bullying is something we’ve all experienced, and yet, very few of us know how to deal with bullying behaviour. This episode looks at the importance of establishing boundaries when dealing with manipulative, abusive or cruel behaviour - for kids and adults alike! |
Being HumanOriginally aired 17 September 2015
Pema Chodron speaks about ‘Being Human’ in many of her teachings. In this episode Kaitlyn shares her understanding of this phrase and provides some practices that can apply. She recommends Tonglen as one of the practices and suggests the following videos for anyone interested in learning more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QwqlurCvXuM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpnzNG3__RA |
Put Some Shoes On, HoneyOriginally aired 01 October 2015
Working with our mind is an incredibly valuable skill that everyone can and should learn. For serious! Even an eighth century Buddhist scholar had it figured out! |
Learn to DiscernOriginally aired 08 October 2015
There is a lot of woo out there! But if we disregard everything that calls itself ‘self-help’ because we’re so suspect of it being woo, we might miss something of great benefit. Learn to discern with some helpful questions to filter out the woo! |
Be GratefulOriginally aired 15 October 2015
#FirstWorldProblems are not really problems at all. In this episode Kaitlyn talks about a light-hearted approach we can take to these kinds of ‘problems’, to help develop humbleness and an appreciation for what we have. |
Drop the StorylineOriginally aired 22 October 2015
We all have our storylines or ‘little universes’, as Elizabeth Mattis-Namgyel likes to say. When we learn to drop our storyline we can see our world in a much bigger way. |
Love!Originally aired 29 October 2015
I wrote the script for this a week before discovering this video by Dr. Maya Angelou. I think this podcast compliments this video. Also, Karla Mclaren is awesome, check out her stuff: karlamclaren.com |
The Most Important ThingOriginally aired 05 November 2015
Pema has a teaching: If death is certain and the time until death is uncertain, what’s the most important thing? In this episode Kaitlyn unpacks this and talks about how to apply it as a daily practice for brilliant results. |
Bones & MarrowOriginally aired 12 November 2015
In which Kaitlyn has her first guest! Gretchen joins the show to discuss what makes something pithy and to share a selection of favourite pithy teachings taken from ‘Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind’ by Shunryu Suzuki, ‘Everyday Zen’ by Charlotte Joko Beck and ‘Glimpses of Mahayana’ by Choygyam Trungpa Rinpoche. |
Connect with Kait! |
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