Representation Matters
This series of Thangkas is inspired by Zenju Earthlyn Manuel's teaching: "There is multiplicity in oneness."
While Thangka figures are representations of qualities we all have and can all cultivate, they are overwhelmingly depicted in only the male form, and always in non-disabled bodies.
The Representation Matters series is an exploration of Thangka wisdom and practice outside the confines of supremacy culture and so-called "ideal" embodiments for awakening.
While Thangka figures are representations of qualities we all have and can all cultivate, they are overwhelmingly depicted in only the male form, and always in non-disabled bodies.
The Representation Matters series is an exploration of Thangka wisdom and practice outside the confines of supremacy culture and so-called "ideal" embodiments for awakening.
Visit my blog to read Breaking the Rules, an extended post I wrote on my practice of drawing Thangkas and the approach I am taking with this series. Visit the shop to see available prints, originals, and card sets, as well as stickers, pins & t-shirts.
Series 1: Ink line drawings
Click on the images to see them larger.
All artwork is copyright. Please do not replicate these images without explicit permission.
All artwork is copyright. Please do not replicate these images without explicit permission.
These pieces are currently not for sale.
Commissioned pieces start at $1,000 CAD depending on the size & level of detail involved.
Commissioned pieces start at $1,000 CAD depending on the size & level of detail involved.
Series 1: Mixed-media colour
Completed in September 2022 - Limited Edition prints available
"The level of Dharma bad-assery embodied by this work is absolutely radiant. thank you for all of the power and wisdom you have been channeling in order to make this possible."
- Eric Michael B., General Coordinator of Bhumisparsha
Series 2: Disability Justice
Currently seeking models for Amoghasiddhi (Karma), Akshobya (Vajra) & Vairochana (Buddha). The following images show the model for Amitabha, consultant and life coach, Leo Aces Collins.